In Spanish, Clave means key or password. Similarly, our program focuses on providing you with the key values and benefits of transferring from a community college to a four-year university. CLAVE is open to all PCC students but is specifically geared toward the successful enrollment of the Chicano/Latine student population.

Why join CLAVE? 

Participating in CLAVE will give you access to a wealth of literature, college representation, and academic advisement to help you achieve your individual transfer goals.

CLAVE provides a holistic approach to assisting you so that you will benefit culturally, academically, and socially.

CLAVE Benefits

  • Personal Academic Advisement
  • Campus resource information
  • Transfer application assistance
  • Personal Statement assistance
  • Appointments with university representatives
  • Campus Tours

and more!


Look at our Get Started with CLAVE section to see if your question has already been answered. If it hasn’t, feel free to email us at

Contact Us

How We Can Help

Transfer Advisement

Get paired and guided by one of our transfer advisors to take the steps towards preparing and applying for transfer to a four-year university!

Make sure to check box for Clave Transfer Program when signing in to meet with an Advisor.

Check in with Transfer Advisement

Transfer Counseling

Work with a transfer counselor to ensure all prerequisites, education plans, courses, and further academic-related steps are completed!

Email us at to make an appointment

Transfer Application Assistance

Get the opportunity to work closely with our staff members and assist you in understanding the transition, resources available to you.

Meet our Staff

Workshops & Events

Clave students are required to attend workshops and events to enhance the cultural and transfer-going culture you will experience in our program.

Check the Calendar

Signature Events & Partnerships

CLAVE Bienvenida

An initiative geared toward new and returning CLAVE students on campus to establish a personal connection, community, and support between Latine students and PCC Staff!

Dia De Los Claveros

A CLAVE signature event that highlights Day of the Dead, a celebración that honors those who passed. Dia De Los Muertos is a Latin American custom that combines indigenous Aztec ritual with Catholicism, brought to the region by Spanish conquistadores.

Latine Grad

A culturally rich and bilingual Latine celebración created for Latine students, by Latine staff, to recognize their achievements and contributions within our campus community!

More about Latine Grad

End of Spring Roll Call: What’s your 411?

A Spring event that discusses the next steps for returning and transfer students. We also celebrate the students that were admitted to a 4-year institution.

Upcoming Events & Workshops