Need Career Support, Have Questions? Schedule an in-person, virtual (zoom), or phone appointment with our career team! Select an appointment based on your career needs.

Note: If you do not see any available appointments at first sight, use the calendar on the left to click on the next week's date and you will see more options.

Career Exploration, Planning, & Decision-Making

Meet with our Career Counselors for support with:

  • Declaring or changing your major
  • Feeling unsure or lost about your career
  • Navigating major & career decisions
  • Administer & interpreting career assessments
  • Academic & course planning
Career Information & Resources

Meet with our Career Advisors for support with:

  • Navigating career center & campus resources
  • Gathering information about majors & careers
  • Internship, volunteer, & job search
Resume, Interview, & Job Preparation

Strengthen your job skills & strategy. Develop your:

  • Resume & Cover Letter
  • Networking & Interviewing Skills
  • LinkedIn Profile

For other career needs, please email us at