Board Bylaw

A Board Bylaw outlines how the District's Governing Board (Board of Trustees) will conduct their business for the District. The Board of Trustees, in conjunction with the Superintendent-President, develop and revise Board Bylaws as necessary to insure legal compliance with state, federal, and local regulations.

Board Policy

Board policies are the voice of the Governing Board (Board of Trustees) and defines the general goals and acceptable practices for the operation of the District. It implements federal and state laws and regulations. The Board of Trustees, through policy, delegates authority to and through the Superintendent-President to administer the District. The Superintendent-President and District employees are responsible to reasonably interpret Board policy as well as other relevant laws and regulations that govern the District.

Administrative Procedures

Administrative Procedures implement Board Bylaws and Policies, and adhere to current laws and regulations. They address how the general goals of the District are achieved and define the operations of the District. They can include details of policy implementation, responsibility, accountability, and standards of practice.

Although Administrative Procedures may be developed by the Superintendent-President, managers, faculty, staff, and students, it is the Administration of the College who are held responsible for upholding the specific information delineated in the regulations. Administrative Procedures do not require Governing Board action or approval unless it addresses a Board Bylaw.

Equity-Minded Questions for Policy and Procedure Develoment

View PCC's Bylaws, Policies & Procedures on BoardDocs