Our brand encompasses all that Pasadena City College offers, all that we do and all of our successes as well as all of our efforts to improve. Our brand has a personality and a tone. Our brand helps bring people together through power of a consistent and strong message that remains focused on our mission.

Consistency creates equity amongst audiences.

PCC is not just a school. It is a diverse, long-standing community of Lancers — determined students, accomplished faculty, dedicated staff and noteworthy alumni. It is a reputable institution that educates through innovative teaching techniques, is constantly discovering and evolving, and leads us to become forward-thinkers.

PCC is an opportunity that opens up doors, builds legendary futures and drives us to make an impact. It breaks down barriers, faces adversity head-on and inspires us to be bold. At PCC futures are ignited, lives are transformed and each of us is pushed to be great.

Use of the PASADENA CITY COLLEGE name, logo or any related branding is prohibited without prior written permission from the Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing.