Career and Major Inquiry

Inquiry Process Summary

In spring 2017 a diverse group of PCC managers, faculty, and staff began a partnership with Dr. Cecilia Rios-Aguilar and her students at UCLA’s Department of Education to understand …

  1. how PCC students make decisions about careers, majors, and the courses that will lead them to academic goal completion
  2. how race, ethnicity, gender, and other factors influence students’ aspirations, decisions, actions, and outcomes
  3. how the college can support students in their choice of career and major and increase completion rates

The long-term goal of the inquiry is to address the equity gap that exists for Latinx and African American students.

Completion Challenge

Of the 15,976 students enrolled at PCC for 2 or more years in 2017-18, only 2,863 of them received degrees and 494 received certificates.

Inquiry Participants

UCLA: Cecilia Rios Aguilar, Destiny McClellan, Rebecca Colina Neri, Paul Martinez, Hector Ramos, Natasha Davis, and several other graduate students conducting interviews

PCC: Brock Klein, Crystal Kollross, Cynthia Olivo, Jason Robinson, Michaela Mares Tamayo, Salvatrice Cummo, Leslie Thompson, Tanysha Laney, Shelagh Rose, Myriam Altounji, Taleen Seropian, Antonio del Real, Yajaira de la Paz, Emily Bangham, and 4-6 PCC students.

Phase 1   Phase 2   Phase 3